He’s a rock star!
No, Barak Hussein Obama is a “Barock” star. I don’t know if he can play any musical instrument but the mainstream media (MSM) treats him like a rock star.
His ‘World Tour 2008’ is being covered in depth by the MSM sycophants. When the three major network news anchors fly out with him on this tour it says a lot about them. This man is not anything more than a first-term senator who happens to be the presumptive nominee of the Democrat party.
The way the MSM is fawning all over him you’d think this was a reunion tour of the Beatles. Or, perhaps Barak is the 5th Beatle! John, Paul, George, Ringo and Barak!
Give me a break! This guy is not the President of the United States yet the MSM is covering every stop as if it were a state visit.
So on his ‘World Tour’ it is reported that he has an approval rating is 80% over there. Why isn’t it that over here?
The Europeans probably do like Obama. In reality he is a socialist. Any objective look at his policies and proposals will lead any honest person to say that the only difference between Barak and a socialist is that he doesn’t call himself one. And, socialism is predominant in Europe.
And, thus, the Europeans hang on his every word. He, alone, will save our reputation in the world. You know, the reputation that Bush has supposedly ruined with his cowboy diplomacy.
As much as he is treated like the 5th Beatle, how is he going to repair a reputation that has not really been tarnished? And here is why I say this:
He was over there in Germany yesterday bashing America in his Berlin speech, and apologizing for the actions of the U.S. This is disgusting and real Americans should make this known to him.
And, who said that he could apologize for what America has done? Especially in a country that has committed the atrocities it has.
If our reputation is so tarnished why is it that more people want to immigrate to America than all other countries combined? Why is it that when aid is needed in the world the first people that are called are Americans? Not Europeans…Americans! Why is it that in less than 300 years we have become the greatest country God ever let exist? We have done more good in the world than any other country in history and we haven’t been around for thousands of years…like some of them.
We do more for the world than probably all other countries combined. So if the world hates us as much as the MSM and the liberals say, why does the world turn to America first?
Because they want to be US!
But, I’m sure they do like Barack. He supports the policies they embrace in their world. And look what it has gotten them: high inflation, double digit unemployment, more restrictions of individual freedoms and an economy that is no where near as robust as ours.
I really don’t care if any other country likes us or not. America is the biggest beacon of freedom the world has ever seen, and perhaps ever will. No American should care about what other countries think of us either.
But if the 5th Beatle is elected president this fall I wonder about a couple of things:
Will they still like him when he has to make and enforce the policies of the U.S.?
Or, will he?
Nutty Martini Recipe
6 parts vodka
1 part Frangelico
Lemon twist
Combine liquid ingredients in a shaker with ice and shake until VERY cold. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and garnish with lemon twist.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
This explains it all.
As an aviator, I come from a long lineage rooted in a secret society, formed around one thousand years ago. I now know that I am a warrior and here is the proof!
A little known fact is the origin of the word, "Aviator." In the immortal words of Johnny Carson: "I didn't know that."
Phu Khen (pronounced Foo Ken, 1169-?) is considered by some tobe the most under-recognized military officer in history. Many have never heard of his contributions to modern military warfare. The mission of this secret society is to bring honor to the name of Phu Khen.
A 'Khen' was a subordinate to a 'Khan' (pronounced 'konn') in the military structure of the Mongol hordes. Khan is Turkish for leader. Most know of the great Genghis Khan, but little has been written of his chain of command.
Khen is also of Turkish origin. There is not a word in English that adequately conveys the meaning. Roughly translated, it means, "One who will do the impossible, while appearing unprepared and complaining constantly."
Phu Khen was one of ten Khens that headed the divisions, or groups of hordes, as they were known, of the Mongol Army serving under Genghis Khan. His abilities came to light during the Mongols' raids on the Turkistan city of Bohicaroo. Bohicans were fierce warriors and the city was well fortified. The entire city was protected by hugewalls, and the hordes were at a standoff with the Bohicans. Bohicaroo was well stocked and it would be difficult to wait them out.
Genghis Khan assembled his Khens and ordered each of them to develop a plan for penetrating the defenses of Bohicaroo. Operation Achieve Victory (AV) was born. All 10 divisions of Khens submitted their plan. After reviewing AV plans 1 thru 7and finding them all unworkable or ridiculous, Genghis Khan was understandably upset.
It was with much perspiration that Phu Khen submitted his idea,which came to be known as AV 8. Upon seeing AV 8, Genghis Khan was convinced this was the perfect plan and gave his immediate approval.
The plan was beautifully simple. Phu Khen would arm his hordes to the teeth, load them into catapults, and hurl them over the wall. The losses were expected to be high, but hey, hordes were cheap! Those that survived the flight would engage the enemy in combat. And, those that did not? Well, surely their flailing bodies would cause some damage.
The plan worked and the Bohicans were defeated. From that day on, whenever the Mongol Army encountered an insurmountable enemy, Genghis Khan would give the order, "Send some of Phu Khen's AV 8-ers."
This is believed, though not by anyone outside our secret society, to be the true origin of the word Aviator (AV 8-er). Phu Khen's AV 8-ers were understandably an unruly mob, not likely to be socially acceptable. Many were heavy drinkers and insomniacs. But when nothing else would do, you could always count on an AV 8-er. A Phu Khen Aviator.
Denied, perhaps rightfully so, his place in history, Phu Khen has been, nonetheless, immortalized in prose. As the great poet Norman Lear never once said:
"There once was a man named Phu Khen,
Whose breakfast was whiskey and gin.
When e'er he'd fly,
He'd give a mighty war cry:
"Bend over, here it comes again."
It is an honor to be a Phu Khen Aviator. I wear the mantle proudly, but speak of it cautiously. It is not always popular to be one of us. You hear mystical references, often-hushed whispers, to "those Phu Khen Aviators."
I do not let these things bother me. As with any secret society, we go largely misunderstood, prohibited by our apathy from explaining ourselves. We are expected to always live down to the reputation of the Phu Khen Aviator...a reputation cultivated for centuries, undaunted by scorn or ridicule, unhindered by progress.
We drink, we're crude, we sleep late, urinate in public, and we get the job done.
And, when others are offended, I can revel in the knowledge that...
Jet Fuel Martini
1 part Cinnamon Schnapps
1 part Peppermint Schnapps
Shake over ice until VERY cold. Strain into a chilled martini glass.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Climate Change Delusion
Psychiatrists in Australia have discovered the first case of “climate change delusion”.
Joshua Wolf and Robert Salo, of the Royal Children’s Hospital, writing in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry say that this delusion is a ‘previously unreported phenomenon”.
"A 17-year-old man was referred to the inpatient psychiatric unit at Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne with an eight-month history of depressed mood . . . He also . . . had visions of apocalyptic events."
Sounds like Al Gore, eh?
"The patient had also developed the belief that, due to climate change, his own water consumption could lead within days to the deaths of millions of people through exhaustion of water supplies.
Here is (Australia’s) Prime Minister Kevin Rudd yesterday, with his own apocalyptic vision: "If we do not begin reducing the nation's levels of carbon pollution, Australia's economy will face more frequent and severe droughts, less water, reduced food production and devastation of areas such as the Great Barrier Reef and Kakadu wetlands."
You know what they want, don’t you? They want our money! And they want to scare us with these visions of a scorched earth to get us to buy into this global warming hoax and give up our money for their cause.
And here is a senior Sydney Morning Herald journalist aghast at the horrors described in the report on global warming released on Friday by Rudd's guru, Professor Ross Garnaut: "Australians must pay more for petrol, food and energy or ultimately face a rising death toll . . ."
Did you read that? Pay more for food and energy or die? If it weren’t so arrogant I would find it funny. Okay, I am laughing at these fools, but still.
These guys, Rudd and Garnaut, want to scare people into backing their plan to force people who produce everything from petrol to coal-fired electricity, from steel to soft drinks, to pay for licenses to emit carbon dioxide -- the gas they think is heating the world to hell. They want your $$$!
The cost of those licenses, totaling in the billions, will then be passed on to people through higher bills for petrol, power, food, housing, air travel and anything else that emits the life endangering CO2. In some countries they're even planning to tax farting cows, so there's no end to the ways you can be stung.
What's next? Do we get taxed for exhaling?
Rudd, and all of the other idiots hope this pain will make people switch to expensive but less gassy alternatives, and -- hey presto -- the world's temperature will then fall, just like it's actually done since the day Al Gore released An Inconvenient Truth.
So here is where it falls apart.
Australia on its own emits less than 1.5 per cent of the world's CO2. Any savings they make will make no real difference, given that China (now the biggest emitter) and India (the fourth) are booming so fast that they alone will pump out 42 per cent of the world's greenhouse gases by 2030.
So, if the world’s green house emissions are growing -- by 3.1 per cent a year thanks mostly to these two giants -- the 20 per cent cuts Rudd demands of Australians by 2020 would be swallowed up in just 28 days.
Listen people! That's how little our multi-billions of dollars in sacrifices will matter. These people want our money and liberties and their claims that we’ll be dead if we don’t are outright LIES!
Garnaut on Friday admitted any cuts Australia makes will be useless unless they inspire other countries to do the same -- especially China and India: "Only a global agreement has any prospect of reducing risks of dangerous climate change to acceptable levels."
So if this were a real threat, and if it means that we are dependent upon China and India to buy into this and get on board, we’re toast!
A year ago China released its own global warming strategy which bluntly refused to cut its total emissions.
In that report Ma Kai, head of China's powerful State Council said, "China does not commit to any quantified emissions-reduction commitments . . . our efforts to fight climate change must not come at the expense of economic growth."
Do you hear that? This coming from a communist (not too distant from our liberals and environmentalist wackos in political philosophy and tactics)…we will not let our economy suffer in order to fight global warming. Guess what? They really don’t believe in it anyway!
Ma Kai also said, "It is quite inevitable that during this (industrialization) stage, China's energy consumption and CO2 emissions will be quite high."
Just last month, India likewise issued its National Action Plan on Climate Change, and also rejected Rudd-style cuts. The plan's authors, the Prime Minister's Council on Climate Change, said India would rather save its people from poverty than global warming, and would not cut growth to cut gases.
"It is obvious that India needs to substantially increase its per capita energy consumption to provide a minimally acceptable level of wellbeing to its people."
The plan's only real promise was in fact a threat: "India is determined that its per capita greenhouse gas emissions will at no point exceed that of developed countries."
I love this! These people get it! The amount of money spent and liberties lost to fight the global warming hoax will seriously hurt the global economy. And, we will accomplish nothing as far as changing our climate.
India and China are not going to cut their economic throats to buy into this hoax.
Don’t think that our very own global warming zealots won’t try to do the same types of things here. They are doing so now. Look at what is happening in California.
If you want to decrease emissions into our atmosphere then let us build more nuclear power plants. But you libs do want those either.
But at least we now have a name for their lunacy…
“Climate Change Delusion”.
Georgia Peach
1 part Vodka
1 part Peach Schnapps
4 parts Lemonade
1/2 part Grenadine
Mix all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice and shake until VERY cold. Strain into a martini glass. Garnish with peach slice.
Joshua Wolf and Robert Salo, of the Royal Children’s Hospital, writing in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry say that this delusion is a ‘previously unreported phenomenon”.
"A 17-year-old man was referred to the inpatient psychiatric unit at Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne with an eight-month history of depressed mood . . . He also . . . had visions of apocalyptic events."
Sounds like Al Gore, eh?
"The patient had also developed the belief that, due to climate change, his own water consumption could lead within days to the deaths of millions of people through exhaustion of water supplies.
Here is (Australia’s) Prime Minister Kevin Rudd yesterday, with his own apocalyptic vision: "If we do not begin reducing the nation's levels of carbon pollution, Australia's economy will face more frequent and severe droughts, less water, reduced food production and devastation of areas such as the Great Barrier Reef and Kakadu wetlands."
You know what they want, don’t you? They want our money! And they want to scare us with these visions of a scorched earth to get us to buy into this global warming hoax and give up our money for their cause.
And here is a senior Sydney Morning Herald journalist aghast at the horrors described in the report on global warming released on Friday by Rudd's guru, Professor Ross Garnaut: "Australians must pay more for petrol, food and energy or ultimately face a rising death toll . . ."
Did you read that? Pay more for food and energy or die? If it weren’t so arrogant I would find it funny. Okay, I am laughing at these fools, but still.
These guys, Rudd and Garnaut, want to scare people into backing their plan to force people who produce everything from petrol to coal-fired electricity, from steel to soft drinks, to pay for licenses to emit carbon dioxide -- the gas they think is heating the world to hell. They want your $$$!
The cost of those licenses, totaling in the billions, will then be passed on to people through higher bills for petrol, power, food, housing, air travel and anything else that emits the life endangering CO2. In some countries they're even planning to tax farting cows, so there's no end to the ways you can be stung.
What's next? Do we get taxed for exhaling?
Rudd, and all of the other idiots hope this pain will make people switch to expensive but less gassy alternatives, and -- hey presto -- the world's temperature will then fall, just like it's actually done since the day Al Gore released An Inconvenient Truth.
So here is where it falls apart.
Australia on its own emits less than 1.5 per cent of the world's CO2. Any savings they make will make no real difference, given that China (now the biggest emitter) and India (the fourth) are booming so fast that they alone will pump out 42 per cent of the world's greenhouse gases by 2030.
So, if the world’s green house emissions are growing -- by 3.1 per cent a year thanks mostly to these two giants -- the 20 per cent cuts Rudd demands of Australians by 2020 would be swallowed up in just 28 days.
Listen people! That's how little our multi-billions of dollars in sacrifices will matter. These people want our money and liberties and their claims that we’ll be dead if we don’t are outright LIES!
Garnaut on Friday admitted any cuts Australia makes will be useless unless they inspire other countries to do the same -- especially China and India: "Only a global agreement has any prospect of reducing risks of dangerous climate change to acceptable levels."
So if this were a real threat, and if it means that we are dependent upon China and India to buy into this and get on board, we’re toast!
A year ago China released its own global warming strategy which bluntly refused to cut its total emissions.
In that report Ma Kai, head of China's powerful State Council said, "China does not commit to any quantified emissions-reduction commitments . . . our efforts to fight climate change must not come at the expense of economic growth."
Do you hear that? This coming from a communist (not too distant from our liberals and environmentalist wackos in political philosophy and tactics)…we will not let our economy suffer in order to fight global warming. Guess what? They really don’t believe in it anyway!
Ma Kai also said, "It is quite inevitable that during this (industrialization) stage, China's energy consumption and CO2 emissions will be quite high."
Just last month, India likewise issued its National Action Plan on Climate Change, and also rejected Rudd-style cuts. The plan's authors, the Prime Minister's Council on Climate Change, said India would rather save its people from poverty than global warming, and would not cut growth to cut gases.
"It is obvious that India needs to substantially increase its per capita energy consumption to provide a minimally acceptable level of wellbeing to its people."
The plan's only real promise was in fact a threat: "India is determined that its per capita greenhouse gas emissions will at no point exceed that of developed countries."
I love this! These people get it! The amount of money spent and liberties lost to fight the global warming hoax will seriously hurt the global economy. And, we will accomplish nothing as far as changing our climate.
India and China are not going to cut their economic throats to buy into this hoax.
Don’t think that our very own global warming zealots won’t try to do the same types of things here. They are doing so now. Look at what is happening in California.
If you want to decrease emissions into our atmosphere then let us build more nuclear power plants. But you libs do want those either.
But at least we now have a name for their lunacy…
“Climate Change Delusion”.
Georgia Peach
1 part Vodka
1 part Peach Schnapps
4 parts Lemonade
1/2 part Grenadine
Mix all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice and shake until VERY cold. Strain into a martini glass. Garnish with peach slice.
Lessons They Won’t Teach In School
I received this in an email this morning:
A good story that you can tell even your youngest child and they will know the difference between a liberal Democrat and a conservative Republican.
A good story that you can tell even your youngest child and they will know the difference between a liberal Democrat and a conservative Republican.
I remember the time that Catherine, one of my daughter Shannon's friends when she was little, told me that she wanted to be President oneday. Both of her parents are liberal Democrats and were standing there with us - and I asked Catherine, "If you were President what would be the first thing you would do?"
Catherine replied, "I would give houses to all the homeless people."
"Wow, what a worthy goal you have there, Catherine." I told her, "You don't have to wait until you are President to do that. You can come over to my house and clean up the dog poop in the back yard and I will pay you $5. Then we can go over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $5 to use for a new house."
Catherine, who was about 4, thought that over for a second, while her mom looked at me, and Catherine replied, "Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and clean up the dog poop and you can pay him the $5."
“Welcome to the Republican Party, Catherine,” I said.
York Peppermint Martini
2 parts Van Gogh Mojito Mint Vodka
1 part Kahlua2 part Godiva White Chocolate
Shake vodka and Godiva White Chocolate liqueur in a cocktail shaker with ice until cold. Strain the mixture into a chilled martini glass garnished with chocolate flake rimming (optional). Sink Kahlua into the bottom of the glass slowly. (Cocktail created by Roe Ali)

York Peppermint Martini
2 parts Van Gogh Mojito Mint Vodka
1 part Kahlua2 part Godiva White Chocolate
Shake vodka and Godiva White Chocolate liqueur in a cocktail shaker with ice until cold. Strain the mixture into a chilled martini glass garnished with chocolate flake rimming (optional). Sink Kahlua into the bottom of the glass slowly. (Cocktail created by Roe Ali)
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Political Correctness Has Gone To The Dogs
I’m sure that Chelle B. could do this more justice than I will but we truly have become a world of people that are way too easily offended. Although this next one occurs in Scotland it could just as well be here with the way the liberals turn into invertebrates when it comes to political correctness (okay, it's not just around things PC that they lose their spines).
Muslims in the Scottish district of Tayside are outraged by the appearance of a wide-eyed, 6-week-old puppy on postcards distributed by the local police force, according to the Daily Mail. The offense is over the fact that Muslims consider dogs “ritually unclean”, whatever that means.
The police distributed the card to notify the residents of a new phone number for non-emergency phone calls. They put the dog on it because it is a cute German shepherd puppy that is in training to be a police dog.
Muslims in the Scottish district of Tayside are outraged by the appearance of a wide-eyed, 6-week-old puppy on postcards distributed by the local police force, according to the Daily Mail. The offense is over the fact that Muslims consider dogs “ritually unclean”, whatever that means.
The police distributed the card to notify the residents of a new phone number for non-emergency phone calls. They put the dog on it because it is a cute German shepherd puppy that is in training to be a police dog.
So, here we go…
"My concern was that it's not welcomed by all communities, with the dog on the cards," said Dundee councilor Mohammed Asia, according to the report. 'It was probably a waste of resources going to these communities.
'They (the police) should have understood. Since then, the police have explained that it was an oversight on their part, and that if they'd seen it was going to cause upset they wouldn't have done it.'
Councillor Asif, who is a member of the Tayside Joint Police Board, said that the force had a diversity adviser and was generally very aware of such issues.
YGBSM! A diversity adviser??? This is liberal crap. I am all for community outreach but tell me this, who was in Scotland first? The Scots or the Muslims? This fear of possibly offending someone or some group is what got me into blogging. And when I read dung like this article I know that if we don’t come to our senses, we will be seeing more of this in America than we already do.
Perhaps there are those that are offended by the head dress that some Muslims require their women to wear. Do they cry offense when they cannot see what the woman’s hair looks like? I have yet to hear it!
What we should be offended about is that our traditions and culture are under attack by people that come to our country and expect us to give them up to adapt to them. I would never think of moving to another country and expecting them to adapt to me. It’s THEIR country. I am a guest! Or, if I go there to become a citizen then I need to adopt their culture and traditions. It doesn’t mean that I cannot observe my own traditions but I should not be arrogant enough to ask them to change the way they think and act just for me.
Liberals, on the other hand, do everything they can to bend over for every diverse group of people and will gladly give up any tradition or cultural identity for their mantra of multiculturalism. And as I have said before, multiculturalism is the death knell of a society.
I welcome, as most Americans do, all those people from other countries that want to come here legally. But do not come here and expect me (or us) to change our way of life, our culture and our traditions so that you are not offended. You should have known what you were coming into before you came here. And, if you didn’t, feel free to leave.
I am tired of the spineless liberals who are afraid to defend what this country stands for because they live in a state of cultural self-loathing.
I, for one, love this country and the things that have made it the greatest country God every allowed to be created.
Apparently, not all folks feel that way.
Chief Constable John Vine said, 'His incredible world-wide popularity - he has attracted record visitor numbers to our website - led us to believe Rebel could play a starring role in the promotion of our non-emergency number.
'We did not seek advice from the force's diversity adviser prior to publishing and distributing the postcards. That was an oversight and we apologise for any offence caused.' (I left the British spelling in these quotes).
WTF are you apologizing for, constable? Your police force sent out a notice with one your own on it, a police dog in training, and you want to apologize because an immigrant group feels offended? Grow a pair, sir. You provided the public with information that was important to them and they should be grateful.
The puppy got people to look at it…you caught their attention.
Has your diversity adviser approved letting the your police force use the dogs in Muslim neighborhoods? You might want to make sure that you don’t offend anyone in the course of enforcing the law.
What’s next, will we have to give up having dogs as pets?
I am offended that people are so easily offended. Get over it!
French Martini
1 1/2 parts vodka
"My concern was that it's not welcomed by all communities, with the dog on the cards," said Dundee councilor Mohammed Asia, according to the report. 'It was probably a waste of resources going to these communities.
'They (the police) should have understood. Since then, the police have explained that it was an oversight on their part, and that if they'd seen it was going to cause upset they wouldn't have done it.'
Councillor Asif, who is a member of the Tayside Joint Police Board, said that the force had a diversity adviser and was generally very aware of such issues.
YGBSM! A diversity adviser??? This is liberal crap. I am all for community outreach but tell me this, who was in Scotland first? The Scots or the Muslims? This fear of possibly offending someone or some group is what got me into blogging. And when I read dung like this article I know that if we don’t come to our senses, we will be seeing more of this in America than we already do.
Perhaps there are those that are offended by the head dress that some Muslims require their women to wear. Do they cry offense when they cannot see what the woman’s hair looks like? I have yet to hear it!
What we should be offended about is that our traditions and culture are under attack by people that come to our country and expect us to give them up to adapt to them. I would never think of moving to another country and expecting them to adapt to me. It’s THEIR country. I am a guest! Or, if I go there to become a citizen then I need to adopt their culture and traditions. It doesn’t mean that I cannot observe my own traditions but I should not be arrogant enough to ask them to change the way they think and act just for me.
Liberals, on the other hand, do everything they can to bend over for every diverse group of people and will gladly give up any tradition or cultural identity for their mantra of multiculturalism. And as I have said before, multiculturalism is the death knell of a society.
I welcome, as most Americans do, all those people from other countries that want to come here legally. But do not come here and expect me (or us) to change our way of life, our culture and our traditions so that you are not offended. You should have known what you were coming into before you came here. And, if you didn’t, feel free to leave.
I am tired of the spineless liberals who are afraid to defend what this country stands for because they live in a state of cultural self-loathing.
I, for one, love this country and the things that have made it the greatest country God every allowed to be created.
Apparently, not all folks feel that way.
Chief Constable John Vine said, 'His incredible world-wide popularity - he has attracted record visitor numbers to our website - led us to believe Rebel could play a starring role in the promotion of our non-emergency number.
'We did not seek advice from the force's diversity adviser prior to publishing and distributing the postcards. That was an oversight and we apologise for any offence caused.' (I left the British spelling in these quotes).
WTF are you apologizing for, constable? Your police force sent out a notice with one your own on it, a police dog in training, and you want to apologize because an immigrant group feels offended? Grow a pair, sir. You provided the public with information that was important to them and they should be grateful.
The puppy got people to look at it…you caught their attention.
Has your diversity adviser approved letting the your police force use the dogs in Muslim neighborhoods? You might want to make sure that you don’t offend anyone in the course of enforcing the law.
What’s next, will we have to give up having dogs as pets?
I am offended that people are so easily offended. Get over it!

French Martini
1 1/2 parts vodka
1/4 part Chambord® raspberry liqueur
1/4 part fresh pineapple juice
1 twist lemon peel
Add ingredients into a shaker with ice. Shake until VERY cold, strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a lemon twist.
Add ingredients into a shaker with ice. Shake until VERY cold, strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a lemon twist.
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